What's in the box:
1 Main Rulebook
1 Mountain game board, double sided
12 cardboard Great Hall tokens
10 cardboard Lair Tiles
1 cardboard Gnome Wheel
1 wooden Gnome Wheel pawn
125 wooden and shaped Trolls
25 wooden and shaped Champions
44 tarot-sized Champion cards
22 cardboard Champion tags
5 cardboard Wave tags
1 Clan board
7 Vote tiles
65 wooden Influence disks
72 Ancestry cards
5 starting Ancestry cards
150 Ancestry cubes
30 wooden Gnome tokens
1 wooden Swarm token
7 mini Gate cards
10 wooden player markers disks
5 cardboard Supply tracks
12 cardboard Despiration tokens
1 cardboard War Hammer
Fall of the Mountain King Retail Edition $49USD
SKU: BIL6002